Monday, 30 November 2009

Planning for production

1. Primary Research

People who like and don't like to see celebrities endorsing products in advert.
As you can see in the chart below people like to see celebrities in adverts but when I'm making my advert it wont be possible to get a celebrity for my advert.

Peoples favourite adverts at the moment.
As we can see by the chart below SMA and compare the market are the most popular adverts at the moment, some of the things that are appealing from these adverts are the catchphrases, music and the comedy.

Peoples favourite type of advert genre.
From the chart below people find that the comedy genre most memorable, so i may base my advert on a comedy genre.

People who like and dislike narratives in adverts.
People dont prefer a narrative in adverts, so i might not base my advert on a narrative.

People who think that slogans and tag lines are important in adverts
People enjoy seeing slogans and taglines in adverts so im going to make sure there will be one of them

Stacie, 14.
Favourite television advert that has caught her eye is the round trees randoms advert because its funny and its got a random vibe to it. The type of characters she likes to see in TV adverts is teenagers because that are like her and also older people as she can look up to them, she also like to see celebrities in TV adverts as she can also look up to them as a role model. She isn't keen on the advert having a narrative as they get on her nerves. She likes to hear lively and catch music in adverts as it makes her remember the adverts and keeps it in her mind. Her favourite genre for TV adverts are comedy.
Brad, 15
The advert that has caught his eye is the Tic Tac advert, he likes this advert because it made him buy the product that was being advertised on the TV. The type of characters that he likes to see in TV adverts is ladies as he likes to see them strutting their stuff, also he like to see celebrities in adverts as some of them are good looking and they make the adverts seem more interesting. He again isn't very keen on adverts having a narrative as he find them annoying. He likes to hear tecno music in adverts as they are catchy and they make him want to dance. The genre he likes to see for TV adverts is romance because he find romance very nice and loving.
Brooke, 12
The advert that has caught her eye is the Dell laptop advert, she likes this advert because it has a catchy song on it and it is very colourful and bold, also it has encouraged her to wont to get the laptop for Christmas. The type of characters that she likes to see in adverts is young children and teens, this is because she can see the advert in like he point of view and also look up to the teenagers reaction. She likes the advert to have a narrative as she likes to get the full story of the advert and what it is trying to say or show. She likes adverts with lively music and music that is newly released, as it makes her remember the advert. The genre she likes to see in a TV advert is cartoon because it makes her laugh and helps her get involved with what the advert is advertising.

2. Secondary Research

The Honda and Dell Laptop Adverts

In the Honda advert the lines of appeal that relate to the advert and comedy and humour this is because the advert features a man dressed in a race suit and he sings along with the digetic music bed that has been used. Many camera shots and angles have been used such as: medium shot when the camera shows from the hips upwards of the man staring in the advert, another one is tracking shot this has been used through out the advert this is good as it give a moving view of the place where the advert is located. One of the factors of persuasion is coercive power this has been used very well as the advert is persuading the viewer that Honda is much better that any other car brand, and if the viewer doesn't see that Honda as a good brand of car there will be some sort of punishment. In the Honda advert i think that it is aimed at people aged 30-40 onwards this is because Honda is seen as a car brand that many older people buy. In the advert there is a digetic music bed that has been used this is very effective as it is a song that many people will recognise and will like. In the advert it only has a silent part at the begging of the advert when it has a camera shot of where that advert is located. The man in the advert has been stereotyped hero, as he has been seen as a hero like James bond.

In the dell laptop advert i think it is aimed at young adults/ teenagers, i think this as the advert is full of vibrant colours like the laptops which appeal to the younger generation, also the music bed that has been used in the advert is very lively and energetic this is also good as when it is repeated on the Tv it helps you to remember the sond so you remember the product. The main line of appeal is the same as the honda advert comedy and humour but it is also dreams and fantasy, this is because in the advert when the men are making the laptops it fun and energetic and it if good to watch. The factor of persuasion that is used is reward power this is because if the viewer buys one of the dell laptops that advert is saying that you are buying one of the best laptops their is. The camera shots in the advert are very effective as thay vary through out the advert from close up to long shots of the whole factory where the laptops are being produced

3. Mind Map

4.The Proposals

Idea 1-

The whole of the advert it will be located in the school grounds and the advert will include different camera shots such as: close up on the Nike logo on the clothing/trainers, another shot that we will use is a long shot. It will include a non digetic bed. It will also include a logo and a slogan as it will make the advert more believable to the viewer. The narrative of the advert is two people having a race one wearing Nike and the other wearing a different brand and the person wearing Nike win the race and shows how "if you wear Nike you become more of an athlete".

Idea 2-
Are other idea for are advertisment, is that there are two runners one wearing Nike and the other is wearing a different brand, and they both training for a race and the one wearing Nike seem to make it look very easy where as the other runner finds it hard as he has no comfort and isn't been able to train like normal. Shots that will be used will be close ups, medium shots and long shots, these will be used so the viewer will be able to see different angles of the runner and see how they both differ. The advert again will be located in school grounds.

5. The treatment
I believe my advert has the following lines of appeal, successful athletes wear Nike and it advives you to buy the shoe make as other athletes that wear other makes dont be as successful, it has this line of appeal because in my advert it shows this as there will be two people running one wearing Nike and the other wearing a different brand, and the Nike runner wins the race. I also hope to reflect the lines of appeal elite people or experts as i will include that Nike will have the best confort for you and its the best for you as a runner.
My advert will have the following factors of persuasion; coercive power and expert power, i will use these factors of persuasion because coercive power is to pursuade you to but the Nike brand, as it will make you more of an athlete, and expert power as the Nike brand could be presented by an althete. My primary target audience is athletes, i will also have a secondary target audience of teenagers.
I will use the following camera angles and shots in my advert close up, long shot. I have used these angles and shots to create the effect that close up of the Nike logo on the shoe to show the brand the advert is for, and the long shot of the runners. The advert will end with a resolution, when the winner of the race is wearing Nike, and it show its a better brand. The advert will have an open/ closed ending, leaving the audience with the feeling that if you wear Nike it is the best brand.
The main characters in my advert are myself and Stacie. I have chosen to represent the character that wears the Nike brand.
Finally the music bed of the advert will be upbeat, but will have a moment in the advert where the music will become slower. There isnt going to be any sound effects or voice overs in this advert as they arn't needed as all the movement and acting will show the purpose for the advert.

6. Story Board

7. Regulation and control
The ASA regulates the contents of the tv adverts, sale promotions and company adverts, they stop advert that are misleading, offensive and racist in the UK. The ASA are an independant body that regulate the advertising. They cover: radio, tv, cinema, billboard advertising. Billboard advertising is called out door advertising. Anyone can complain to this company, whether its about tv advertising or cinema advertising anyone can complain. 26000 complaits have been put in last year, and 2500 were either changed or with drawn in 2008. To log a complaint you can write a letter, or on their website. First they check if the codes have been brocken. Then they go into a formal discussion with the advertising company and ask to change it. Then they will form an investigation, they do have the power to remove the advert from the public completely. The ASA have set up series of codes such as harm and offence, children. An example of one of the codes is 7.1.3 Product characteristics-
If advertisments for products of interest to children show or refer to characteristics which might influence a child's choice, those characteristics much be easy for children of the appropriate age to judge.

8. Marketing and Promotion
If i was campaigning my advertisement i would promote it on these types of advertisers; Print (magazine) such as sports magazines like 442 which will advertise the Nike brand on one of its pages in the magazine, also on social networking sites - facebook as it would be able to help me pin point my target aduience the people who have an intrest in sports, aged between 15- 25 and they would be able to look at all the profiles on the network and find the people the Nike brand may appeal to. I am going to put my advertisement of Nike on the tv and the Internet to advertise the Nike brand. The advert could be out after any sports program for example; Olympics, football etc. This will be good as it will be advertising a sporty brand, also my target audience of young adults and teens will be watching. The time that the advert will be shown will be between 7:30 and 9:30, this is because most young adults and teens will be watching the sports programs at that time.

  • Create a marketing campaign
  • Buy advertising space (billboard, Internet, radio, TV)
  • All websites only make money through advertising
  • To see how the advertising is doing they do research

Saatchi Saatchi is one of the biggest advertising companies in the world. They have looked into T-mobile, Olay, Cadbury's and others.

Leo Burnett another big company which looks at brands such as McDonald's, Audi etc.

Reebok Advert

The Reebok advert which features 50 cent, received many complaints and because of this the advert was banned for national television. The number of complaints that the advert received was 57. Two advertisements for Reebok, one 60 seconds long and the other 30 seconds, featured the rapper 50 Cent. In both versions he was shown sitting in a large darkened room whilst various sounds were heard including rap music, sirens and different voices saying that he had been "shot 9 times" also when the advert comes to an end the camera angle there is a low shot with makes 50 cent seem scary to the viewer and then the camera angle that comes up next is a close up and during this close up he laughs then stared at the camera. Two of the complaints are below.

1. Some viewers complained that the advertisements glorified or glamorised gun culture and could encourage violence or make it appear acceptable. Some added that it was particularly inappropriate in view of 'rising gun crime' in some areas of Britain.

2. Other viewers said the advertisements could influence younger viewers who might think the violent background of 50 Cent was 'cool' and something to aspire towards.

The conclusion to these complaints were that the advert wasn't suitable for daytime TV as the violent past of the character, alongside the image of him casually sitting and laughing was unacceptable. We also considered the advertisements were likely to be more attractive to younger viewers and teenagers which view the advertisement for the sports- related products, and this advert didn't really show the side of the sports product, also people viewing the advert influences on their behaviour and in particular solo artists and other musicians.

We are studying the hovis advertisement that was created to celebrate 122 years of hovis.
Independent task:

The Hovis advert opens with and median shot to show what the boy is weraing and show his emotions. The clothes that the boy is wearing in the Hovis advert is a signifier and it connotes the 1880's the victorian period, as he is wearing all brown clothes and a flat cap.

In the advert when the boy is stood on a hill of gravel a low shot is used to make the boy seem bigger, also it makes him look smaller when the plane goes over his head. Also in the advert when the boy runs into the night when there are lots of fireworks going off an extreme long shot has been used to show all the view, also a tracking shot of the boy running past all the fireworks is important as it shows all the view and the location.

The chanting in the advert is an audio signifier and it connotes people debating something, and helps to create tension in this egment of the hovis advert. The diegetic sound of footsteps on the cobbled streets is a signifier and it connotes the power of the army warching down the streets. The diegetic voice of Winston Churchill on the radio is a signifier and it connotes the end of the war.

The music is a signifier and it connotes that the boy is about to go on an adventer. The change of music is an signifier and it connotes that there is an change of eara. The music bed that is used in the advert is an audio signifier as when the tempo gets faster it connotes excitement. The music bed increases in tempo when the boy runs past the football surporters celebrating the victory of the World Cup which was in 1966.

The titanic posters in the advert are an historical code which show the viewer that the advert isn't set in the present day, and it goes through all the different earas.

Mr C. Jackson said...

Well-developed understanding of the signifiers and what they connote.

Media language relevant, and very confident.

Good grasp of representation issues in the text.

Grade 12/18 Grade B

Amyy West said...

Good essay, you have commented on lots of different aspects of the advert and used lots of technical language confidently.

Level 2 B Grade
-More detailed understanding of conventions
-More detailed understanding of the signifiers and what they connote
-Appropriate media language used
-Confident use of language

To improve perhaps extend your answers

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